Viability of the biosecure shrimp farming in controlling white spot disease in Santa catarina


  • Sérgio Winckler da Costa
  • Luiz Rodrigo Mota Vicente
  • Joel Gaspar de Souza
  • Albertino de Souza Zamparette
  • Paulo José Padilha


Biosecurity shrimp farm, White spot disease, Litopennaeus vannamei.


Abstract: The application of biosecurity measures was evaluated in shrimp farming for protection against white spot disease in two 0.6 ha ponds. One pond was covered with liner and another not, and both were populated with post-larvae free of virus at a density of 41.6 shrimps/m2. Ponds were filled with sterile water with 30 ppm chlorine. Shrimps were farmed without water changes in the pond with liner and with water replacement in the pond without liner. Mortalities and clinical signs of white spot disease were observed in the pond without liner after 67 days of rearing. In the pond with liner, harvest occurred after 82 days without mortality or detection of the virus. Biosecurity shrimp farming was economically viable, with net revenue of US$ 12,000.00 / ha / year and net income of US$ 1,92/ kg of shrimp.


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Author Biographies

Sérgio Winckler da Costa

Oceanógrafo, Dr., Epagri / Centro de Desenvolvimento em Aquicultura e Pesca, Rod. Admar Gonzaga, 1188, Itacorubi, 88034-901 Florianópolis, SC

Joel Gaspar de Souza

Engenheiro-agrônomo, Esp., Epagri / Escritório Municipal de Laguna, Av. Colombo Machado Salles, s/nº, 88790-000 Laguna, SC

Albertino de Souza Zamparette

Médico-veterinário, M.Sc., Epagri / Gerencia Regional de Tubarão, Rua São José, 45, 88701-260 Tubarão, SC

Paulo José Padilha

Engenheiro-agrônomo, M.Sc., Epagri / Laboratório de Diagnóstico para Aquicultura


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How to Cite

Costa, S. W. da, Vicente, L. R. M., Souza, J. G. de, Zamparette, A. de S., & Padilha, P. J. (2017). Viability of the biosecure shrimp farming in controlling white spot disease in Santa catarina. Agropecuária Catarinense Journal, 28(2), 41–44. Retrieved from



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