About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Agropecuária Catarinense (RAC) is a scientific journal that publishes technical-scientific works on original themes in agricultural research, rural extension and fisheries. The jornal is published every four months (April, August and December), being edited since March 1988 by Epagri. RAC has been available online since 2016 via the OJS system, including editions published from 2000 to 2022. The target audience is composed of researchers, extension workers, professors, undergraduate and graduate students and professionals in agricultural sciences and related fields. Articles submitted by authors from research and education institutions are accepted.
The Agricultural Research and Rural Extension Company of Santa Catarina – EPAGRI – is a public company, linked to the Government of the State of Santa Catarina through the Secretary of State for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development. The creation of the Company in 1991 brought together research and rural and fisheries extension work, adding decades of experience in different areas and strengthening the sector even more. Learn more about Epagri at https://www.epagri.sc.gov.br/
Agropecuária Catarinense is present in fithteen indexers/ repository: Agrobase (Mapa); Agris (FAO); Diadorim (Ibict); Miguelim (Ibict); CAB internacional; DOAJ; EZ3 (Eletronic Journals Library – University Library of Regensburg); FSTA, PKP Index; Períódicos da Capes; Revistas de Livre Acesso (CNEN); Redib (Rede ibero americana de inovação e conhecimento científico; Latindex (catálogo 2.0), Oasis (Ibict) and La referencia (Rede Federada de Repositórios Institucionais de Publicações Científicas).
Ethics in publication
The Agricultural Santa Catarina is aligned with the best practices to strengthen ethics in scientific publications. More information on ethics guidelines in publications can be found at the Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE (https://publicationethics.org/).
All authors must have contributed to the work submitted to Agropecuária Catarinense, in order to justify their name in the authorship of the manuscript. Contributions from anyone who does not meet the authorship criteria should be listed in the Acknowledgments section. In case of dispute as to authorship, contact with the corresponding author is first established, who is responsible for the veracity of the information when submitting the article. And, if necessary, all authors will be involved. In case of an impasse, contact will be made with authors' affiliation or funding institutions involved in the development of the research.
Misconduct guidelines
Agropecuária Catarinense will publish, whenever necessary, errata, retractions and expressions of concern about published material when there is suspicion of misconduct in the research and publication of an article. Examples of misconduct are the fabrication or falsification of data and images. Plagiarism is also classified as one of the rules of misconduct. The journal reviews all papers accepted for publication with CopySpider anti-plagiarism software or similar. The evaluation process is judicious in identifying such misconduct. If there are any doubts, the authors are asked to provide evidence of the methodology and results. In the event of a finding of misconduct, the authors' affiliation or funding institutions involved in the development of the research are notified. Suspicions of ethical violations can be communicated by anyone at any time through email editoriarac@epagri.sc.gov.br
Conflict of interests
The journal requires all authors to disclose any potential sources of conflict of interest in the article submitted to Agropecuária Catarinense. Any interest or relationship, financial or otherwise, that may be perceived as influencing an author's objectivity and impartiality is considered a potential source of conflict of interest.
Research authorizations
When applicable, the numbers of legal authorization processes necessary to carry out the research should be mentioned in the methodology, such as ethics committees in research with human beings, access to traditional knowledge and biodiversity resources, among others.
Articles presented at scientific events
Agropecuária Catarinense accepts articles that have already been presented at scientific events in the form of abstracts or expanded abstracts. In case of "short papers" we recommend contacting the editorial team for a prior analysis. In the latter case, the authors have the obligation to inform the publication of this type of work, during the article submission process in the “comments to the editor” field, the name of the event and the website link, where the first report of the article was presented. search.
Copyright (licences)
The Agropecuária Catarinense journal is aligned with the open access movement. Copyright for articles published in this journal is held by the author, with first publication rights to the journal. By virtue of appearing in this publicly accessible journal, the articles are free to use with their own attributions.
Authors are authorized to assume additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (eg, publish in an institutional repository or as a book chapter), with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal.
All Agropecuária Catarinense content, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY License.
This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archival system among participating libraries and allows them to create permanent journal archives for preservation and restoration.
Peer Review Process
Articles are reviewed by three evaluators, selected by the section editors in the areas of knowledge covered by Agropecuária Catarinense, in the system of double blind Review evaluation. In case of doubt, the technical editors support the section editors or consult the journal's Publications Committee.
The Publications Committee is made up of specialists in the various areas of knowledge of agricultural sciences and is made up of representatives (incumbent and alternate) from Epagri's Research Units. In addition to the Committee, reviewers external to the institution are occasionally consulted. The Publications Committee meets quarterly to discuss the magazine's strategic issues and editorial standards for publication.
The Editorial Board is made up of specialist consultants, both internal and external to Epagri, from various research and teaching institutions in Brazil and abroad. It is up to the Editorial Board to define strategic actions and, eventually, resolve issues that require decisions that the Publications Committee has difficulties in solving.
Evaluation and publication of manuscripts
1) Preliminarily, all manuscripts will be evaluated by the editors regarding adequacy to the scope and format of the journal. Subsequently, the manuscripts will be sent to the Section Editors, who will issue an opinion on their relevance and quality of writing, and may reject or forward them to reviewers.
2) In case of a favorable opinion, the process starts with the submission of the manuscript for evaluation by three reviewers who are experts in the subject.
3) Authors will be notified of the reviewers' opinions by the section editor and must analyze the recommendations and suggestions for preparing a new version of the manuscript within 30 days, forwarding the file in electronic format (.doc) to the section editor. In case of non-compliance with any suggestion made by the reviewers, the authors must present their justifications.
4) The corrected version will be evaluated by the section editor as to the completeness of the changes suggested by the reviewers. If necessary, the section editor forwards the manuscript again to the reviewers for a second round of evaluation. In this case, after the new evaluation, the manuscript must have a convergent recommendation by the reviewers, which may be acceptance, request for new corrections or rejection. Eventually, when the section editors' decision is contested, the manuscript will be sent to a member of the journal's Publications Committee for a final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the article.
5) Once accepted as to scientific merit, the manuscript will be sent to an English or Portuguese language reviewer. After the manuscript is corrected, the authors will receive the revised version for verification, subsequently informing the editor about the acceptance of the review.
6) In the process of final review of the manuscript, the issue of plagiarism is verified, and the article is submitted to analysis by an anti-plagiarism software. If plagiarism is found, the article will be rejected and the parties involved will be notified of the fact.
7) Final proofs of the article, in PDF format, will be sent to the authors for agreement on publication.
8) The PDFs of the accepted manuscripts will be made available, with free access, on the journal's page in an issue of the journal (https://publicacoes.epagri.sc.gov.br/RAC/index).
Publication Frequency
The Agropecuária Catarinense Journal (RAC) is published every four months, normally published in April, August and December.
Open Access Policy
This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater democratization of knowledge.
RAC is sponsored by Epagri and eventually receives financial support from other government institutions.
Authors, in a footnote just above the title, in the manuscript submitted to RAC, may mention the sponsors and/or the number of the agreement that financed the research, or part of it, which gave rise to the article.
Sources of Support
By the time Agropecuária Catarinense had its printed editions distributed, it received financial support from the Foundation for Research and Innovation Support of the State of Santa Catarina (FAPESC), from the State Public Ministry and from the international development banks through state government programs such as the Micro watersheds and the SC-Rural.
The journal Agropecuária Catarinense does not charge authors' submission and publication fees.
Journal History
The Agropecuária Catarinense journal (RAC) was launched in March 1988 by the former EMPASC, Agricultural Research Company of Santa Catarina, with the objective of recording and disseminating the results of agricultural research in Santa Catarina to a technical audience. Since then, it has gone through many transformations: it went out of the types and reached the "bytes", always carrying the banner of innovation.
The creation of Epagri, in 1991, united the research work with rural and fishing extension and the state's beekeeping sector, thus also expanding the scope of RAC's, diversifying its editorial line, which began to focus on the work in production chains in all its links.
The expansion also took place with its audience, which in addition to researchers, professors and students, RAC now counts on rural extension agents in the State, rural producers, agricultural entrepreneurs and leaders in the field; in short, all people interested in scientific articles, technical bulletins, reports or matters related to agriculture in Santa Catarina and Brazil.
First edition of the journal in 1988
In 2020, the journal underwent a new process of change, now focusing on the scientific research. In this new phase, Agropecuaria Catarinense stopped disclosing the journalistic part, remaining basically with the different types of scientific works.