
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".

  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format or similar.

  • Are citations and references in accordance with the journal rules?

    DOI and URLs for the references were informed when using virtual environment sources.

  • The text is double-spaced, font Arial 12, using italics in foreign terms. Figures and tables, with respective captions, were inserted at the end of the text in low resolution? The figures archives in high resolution were also uploaded in the system as archives type of "Figures"? The place of insertion of figures and tables must be indicated in the text.

  • The text follows the standards of style and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, on the About the Journal page, especially with regard to the maximum number of pages for the section to which I am submitting my article.

  • I reviewed my article according to the journal's new publication guidelines.

  • Data (name, formation, address, etc.) about author and co-authors are FULLY informed in the ABSTRACT item of the submission platform, in metadata of the work.  Don't forget to mention the ORCID data of the authors. Therefore, these data MUST NOT accompany the manuscript (file submitted with the text for review).

  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the “Publication rules” tab, mainly with regard to the maximum number of pages for the section to which the article is being submitted.
  • The numbers of legal research authorization processes were cited, when necessary, for work with human beings, access to traditional knowledge, biodiversity resources, among others.
  • Authors are aware of the journal's new submission rules regarding author roles (credit taxonomy) and the importance of making research data available.

Author Guidelines

Rules for publication in the journal Agropecuária Catarinense (RAC)


Papers must be submitted to RAC through the Epagri publications portal at in double spacing, Arial 12 font, and 2.5 cm margins. The pages must be paginated and the lines numbered. Articles in Portuguese and English are accepted. The subjects must be related to agriculture and fishing and will be accepted for publication as long as they meet the following rules:

  1. Papers for the sections Scientific article, Germplasm, Scientific note, Technical information and Bibliographic review must be original and accompanied by a letter or email stating that they are exclusive to RAC. At the same time, the author must agree to transfer the copyright of the text to be published to the Journal.
  2. The technical report refers to the description of an already established technique, diseases, insect pests and other practical technical recommendations, with the main audience being extension agents and technicians in general. The subject must be part of the author's research or professional practice. Maximum of 8 pages, including figures and tables (see item 9). It must have an Abstract (maximum of 15 lines, including Indexing Terms), title in English, Abstract and Index terms, Introduction and subtitles, according to the content of the text. To conclude the article, the subtitle Final Considerations or Recommendations is used. The Acknowledgements item is optional, and the references must not exceed ten.
  3. The scientific article must be conclusive, originating from research that has already been completed. The articles must be written based on experiments repeated in time (different years) and/or space (different locations) with consistent data and results. It must be organized into title, Abstract (maximum of 20 lines, including Indexing terms), title in English, Abstract and Index terms, Introduction, Material and methods, Results and discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (optional), References, tables and figures. There is a 15-page limit for Scientific Articles, including tables and figures (see item 11).
  4. The Scientific Note refers to unpublished and recent scientific research with important results of interest for rapid dissemination, but with insufficient volume of information to constitute a complete scientific article. It can also be the description of a new disease or insect pest. It must have a maximum of eight pages, including tables and figures (see item 11). It must be organized into title, Abstract (maximum of 15 lines, including Indexing terms), title in English, Abstract and Index terms, running text, Acknowledgements (optional), References, tables and figures. It must not exceed ten references. 5. The Germplasm section must contain the title, Abstract (maximum of 20 lines, including Indexing Terms), Title, Abstract and Index terms, Introduction, origin (including pedigree), description (plant, sprouting, flowering, fruit, leaf, root system, table with comparative data), perspectives and problems of the new cultivar or germplasm, availability of material and References. The limit is 12 pages for each subject, including tables and figures (see item 11).
  5. The Bibliographic Review presents the state of the art of technology or technological process of Agricultural Sciences, in which the author(s) must have recognized qualifications and experience. The text must present not only a descriptive analysis, but also a critical analysis, and updated bibliographic references. It must contain the title, Abstract (maximum of 20 lines), including Indexing Terms, Title, Abstract and Index terms, Development, Discussion, Conclusions or Final Considerations, Acknowledgments (optional), References, tables and figures. It should not exceed 16 pages, including tables and figures.
  6. The terms for indexing should not contain words already existing in the title and should have a minimum of three and a maximum of five words.
  7. The title of the work should represent the content and objective of the work and have a maximum of 15 words. Scientific names in the title should not contain the name of the species identifier.
  8. The original version of the manuscript for evaluation on the platform must be submitted without the authors' names and personal data in the footer of the page. The authors' information must also be removed from the Word file (.doc), which can be done when saving the file in “Inspect document” - “document properties and personal information”. The authors' names must appear in the metadata of the submitted article (submission platform), where the following information must appear: professional background of the author and co-author(s), undergraduate and graduate degree (specialization, master's or doctorate), name and address of the institution where the author works, contact telephone number, email address.


Some examples are below, with up to three co-authors per article being recommended. After receiving ACCEPTANCE from the RAC Editor, the authors will be informed that they can now insert their personal data in the manuscript, in its final version, and carefully REVIEW the platform's metadata, which is essential for the correct indexing of the article.


1 Zootechnician, PhD, Epagri / Center for Research on Family Farming (Cepaf), Post Office 791, 89801-970 Chapecó, SC, phone: (49) 2049-7510, e-mail:

2 Veterinarian, PhD, Udesc / CAV, Luís de Camões Avenue, 2090, Conta Dinheiro Neighborhood, 88520-000 Lages, SC, phone: (49) 2101-22121, e-mail:

3 Agricultural engineer, PhD, Epagri / Cepaf, e-mail:

4 Economist, M.Sc., Epagri / Itajaí Experimental Station, C.P. 277, 88301-970 Itajaí, SC, phone: (47) 3233-5244, e-mail:

5 Student of the Agronomy Course, Unoesc, Xanxerê campus, e-mail:

6 Aquaculture engineer, PhD, Nupa Sul-1 of IFCCA, e-mail:

Format for more than one author per research unit, with the same title:

7 Agricultural engineer, PhD, Epagri / Center for Socioeconomics and Agricultural Planning (Cepa), Rod. Admar Gonzaga, 1486, Florianópolis/SC, Phone: (48) 36655078, e-mail:,


Authors from the same institution, already mentioned, should not include the full name of the research unit, only the acronym. Example for authors with different titles, add a new line in the footnote:

8 Agricultural engineer, M.Sc., Epagri / Cepa, e-mail:

Acknowledgements to third parties should be made in cases of collaboration, technical or financial support (funding agencies - Fapesc, CNPq, etc.), which are inserted at the end of the technical part of the article and before the references.

Important! As of December/2024, the journal has adopted the Credit taxonomy as a way to better characterize the roles of the authors of its articles. The measure aims to align the journal with the best editorial practices and reinforce its commitment to the open science movement. Thus, the authors of manuscripts submitted to the journal must have their roles defined when submitting the work (see new submission letter template) and also in its final approved version. Further details about Credit are described below.

CRediT (Authorship Contributions Taxonomy) is a high-level taxonomy, including 14 roles, which can be used to represent the roles normally played by authors for academic and scientific production. The roles describe the specific and individual contributions of each author to academic and scientific research. Taxonomy provides a way to represent information about the individual contributions of authors. Its purpose is to provide transparency regarding the contributions of authors to scientific papers, enabling improvements in attribution, credit, and accountability systems. It is important to note that more than one term can be attributed to a single author.

For more information, see:

Official website of the Credit project ( or Scielo blog (

  1. Citations in the text should be made by last name and year. According to the new ABNT rule, citations in the text and in parentheses only include the first capital letter of the last name. When there are two authors, separate them by “and”; if there are three, all should be cited separated by ";" and when there are more than three, cite the first followed by “et al.” (in italics). See item 16 for more details;
  2. . Tables and figures generated in Word should not be inserted in the middle of the manuscript text and should be numbered at the end of the article, in order of presentation, with the appropriate captions. However, the place where the figures and tables should be inserted should be indicated in the manuscript text.
  • Tables and figures (photos and graphs) should have a clear, objective title and be self-explanatory. The titles of tables and figures should be written in Portuguese and English. The title of the table should be above it, and the title of the figure below it.
  • Tables should be opened to the left and right, without vertical or horizontal lines, except for those used to separate the header and the closing. Abbreviations should be explained when they first appear. Callouts should be made in superscript Arabic numerals, in parentheses and in ascending order (see model).
  • Graphs generated in Excel should be sent in separate files in JPG or TIFF FORMAT. It is not necessary to generate a separate file for the tables, as it is enough for them to be present in the manuscript's Word file.
  • Photographs that belong to the Epagri archive or were taken by the author of the text do not need to have their authorship identified. Works with multiple authors will have the authorship of the photos identified.
  1. Figures that have already been published previously must contain information about the source from which they were extracted, and at the time of submission of the article must be accompanied by a written declaration of consent from the author/publisher. It is important to remember that some publishers charge for the use of figures published in their collections, and it is the author's duty to inquire with the author/publisher about permission to use the image.

“The Copyright Law (9.610/98), in its article 7, states that photographs are protected intellectual works. And article 29 points out that their reproduction depends on the prior and express authorization of the author. Therefore, anyone who violates these provisions violates personality rights guaranteed in Article 5 of the Constitution, attracting the obligation to compensate in the civil sphere.”[1]


[1] Source: ConJur News Bulletin (Legal Consultant), at


  1. The articles submitted for the Opinion and Current Affairs sections must be guided by the rules of this item.

13.1 Opinion – must discuss subjects that express the author's opinion and not necessarily that of the Magazine on the fact in question. The text must be up to five pages long.

13.2 Current Affairs – articles that focus on current facts based on technical, economic, social or political analysis, the dissemination of which is timely. They must not be longer than ten pages, including the references of the citations necessary to contextualize/characterize the scenario or the data sources.

  1. The file with the textual work must be submitted to the system in Word for Windows format or similar format, Arial font, size 12, double spaced. It must have top, bottom and side margins of 2.5 cm, be paginated and with numbered lines.


  1. References for all types of work must be restricted to the literature cited in the text, in accordance with ABNT6023 and in alphabetical order. Authors should pay attention to the following details:

- Approximately 70% of the references must have been published in the last 10 years;

- All authors' names must be mentioned in the references;

- Citations of unpublished data, publications in press or brochures/booklets are not accepted;

- It is suggested to avoid citations of works presented at conferences.

Examples of references:


DANERS, G. Flora of honey-producing importance in Uruguay. In: CONGRESSO IBERO-LATINO-AMERICANO DE APICULTURA, 5., 1996, Mercedes. Anais[...] Mercedes, 1996. p.20.

Periodicals in total:

ANUAL ESTATÍSTICO DO BRASIL-1999. Rio de Janeiro, IBGE, v.59, 2000. 275p.

Journal article:

STUKER, H.; BOFF, P. Sample size in the evaluation of gray blight in onion beds. Horticultura Brasileira, Brasília, v.16, n.1, p.10-13, 1998.

Journal article in electronic media (with or without DOI):

BECKER, W.F. Evaluation of forecasting systems for septoria leaf spot in trellised tomato plants in Caçador, SC, Brazil. Agropecuária Catarinense, v.32, n.3, p.62-67, 2019. Available at: Accessed on: May 26, 2020.

SOUZA, D.M. de; KUTTER, M.T.; FURTADO, P.S.; ROMANO, L.A.; JUNIOR, W.W.; MONSERRAT, J.M.; GARCIA, L. Growth, antioxidant system, and immunological status of shrimp in bioflocs and clear water culture systems. Brazilian Agricultural Research, v.54, e00363, 2019. DOI:



BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF SOIL SCIENCE. Fertilization and liming recommendations for the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. 3rd ed. Passo Fundo, RS: SBCS/South Regional Center; Soil Fertility Commission – RS/SC, 1994. 224p.

BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF SOIL SCIENCE. Fertilization and liming manual for the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. 10th ed. Porto Alegre, RS: SBCS/South Regional Center; Soil Chemistry and Fertility Commission – RS/SC, 2004. 400p.

Book chapter:

SCHNATHORST, W.C. Verticillium wilt. In: WATKINS, G.M. (Ed.). Compendium of cotton diseases. St. Paul: The American Phytopathological Society, 1981. p.41-44.

Theses and dissertations:

CAVICHIOLLI, J.C. Effects of artificial lighting on the cultivation of yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Deg.). 1998. 134f. Dissertation (Master's Degree in Plant Production) – Faculty of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences, São Paulo State University, Jaboticabal, SP, 1998.


BRAZIL. Law No. 10,406 of January 10, 2002. Institutes the Civil Code. Official Gazette of the Union: section 1, Brasília, DF, year 139, no. 8, p. 1-74, January 11, 2002. PL 634/1975.

CURITIBA. Law No. 12,092 of December 21, 2006. Estimates the revenue and sets the expenses of the municipality of Curitiba for the financial year 2007. Curitiba: City Council, [2007]. Available at: Accessed on: March 22, 2007.

Cartographic document:

INSTITUTO GEOGRÁFICO E CARTOGRÁFICO (São Paulo). Government regions of the State of São Paulo. São Paulo: IGC, 1994. 1 atlas. Scale 1:2,000.

FLORIDA MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. 1931-2000 Brazil’s confirmed unprovoked shark attacks. Gainesville: Florida Museum of Natural History, [2000?]. 1 map, color. Scale 1:40,000,000. Available at: Accessed on: January 15, 2002.


Unknown author:

In case of unknown authorship, the entry is made by the title, with the first word in capital letters:

ASPECTS of commercial cultivation of quebra-pedra. Agroecologia Hoje, Botucatu, SP, v.1, n.1, p.12-13, February/March 2000.

ALTERNATIVE CONTROL of leaf-cutting ants. Agroecology and Sustainable Rural Development, Porto Alegre, RS, v.1, n.1, p.59-60, January/March 2000.

Corporate author (collective, governmental, public entities, etc.):

EPAGRI. Technical standards for peach cultivation in Santa Catarina. Florianópolis, SC, 1995. 38p. (Epagri. Technical Bulletin, 23).

SANTA CATARINA. State Secretariat for General Coordination and Planning. School Atlas of Santa Catarina. Florianópolis, SC, 1991, 135p.

BRAZIL. Ministry of Agriculture, Supply and Agrarian Reform. Milk cooling station. Brasília, DF, 1995. 25p. (MARA. Agroindustrial Profiles, 2).


  1. Citations in the journal follow ABNT 10520, but be careful, as the citation rules were updated according to ABNT 10520/2023, published in July/2023.

Examples of citations:

Citation with one author: must begin with the author's last name and year. If the author's name is included in the sentence, only the date should appear in parentheses. The new citation regulations require that authors' surnames within parentheses must be in lowercase letters, with only the first letter being capitalized.

Citation with one author: should start with the author's last name and year. If the author's name is included in the sentence, only the date should appear in parentheses. The new citation rules recommend that the authors' last names in parentheses should be in lowercase letters, with only the first letter being capitalized.

- According to Lobato (1985), observations in the state of Rio Grande do Sul reveal extremely low values.

- At this stage, a caterpillar can destroy up to four plants (Samer, 1939).

Citation with two authors: should start with their respective last names linked by “and”, followed by the year. The new citation rules recommend using the word “and” to separate two names.

A similar result was obtained by Santos and Vencovsky (1985).

Citation with three authors: the three names should be cited, separated by a semicolon “;” and the year.

...implementation and implementation of regulations that guide the practice and use of AI (Miller; Ohrvik; Coldicutt, 2018).

Citation with four or more authors: should start with the surname of the first author, followed by the expression “et al.” (in italics) and the year.

Caroso et al. (1981), comparing progenies of clones of the São Gabriel cultivar and American cultivars of birdsfoot trefoil...

Citation of a work whose author is an institution: should start with the name of the institution, followed by the date. If there is subordination – departments, centers, etc. –, these elements should only be cited in the references.

This is a genotype recommended for areas infested by the weevil (Embrapa, 1985).

Citation of several works by the same author, published in the same year: should be distinguished by a lowercase letter after the date, both in the text and in the reference.

...number of diseased cells in the initial phase, according to Paula et al. (1990a).

... were obtained according to Paula et al. (1990b).

More recently, Sy et al. (1978b), Sy et al. (1983a, 1983b)...


Example of table format:

Tabela 3. Rendimento de massa seca da pastagem anual de inverno por ocasião da dessecação, em função do sistema de produção do milho e da adubação com dejeto líquido de bovinos e adubo solúvel, nos anos de 2012 a 2015

Table 3. Dry matter yield of the annual winter pasture (at the desiccation) as a function of the maize production system or the liquid manure of bovines and soluble fertilizer, in the years 2012 to 2015


Tratamento                                             Anos         


2012        2013           2014         2015        Média


                                     Kg ha-1


Sistema de produção do milho


Grãos                   2.757 NS      3.509 b       2.965NS     3.240        3.118

Silagem                2.900          4.250a        2.680         3.610        3.360




Testemunha         1.996 b       3.133 b     2.403 NS     2.775 NS    2.577

DLB25                2.262 b        3.455 ab   2.625          4.050         3.098

DLB50                2.291 b        3.856 ab   2.682          3.575         3.101

DLB100              2.720 b        4.875 a     3.656          3.650         3.725

AS                     4.782 a        4.078 ab    2.749         3.075          3.694


Média                2.828           3.879        2.823         3.425


Testemunha; DLB25, DLB50 e DLB100: 25, 50 e 100 m3 ha-1 de DLB por cultivo; AS; N, P e K equivalente à dose de 50 m3 de DLB ha-1 por cultivo.

Médias seguidas de letras minúsculas na coluna dentro de cada fator não diferem entre si pelo teste de Tukey a 5%.  NS: Não significativo a 5% de probabilidade.

Control; DLB25, DLB50 and DLB100: 25, 50 and 100 m3 ha-1 of DLB ​​per crop; AS; N, P and K equivalent to the dose of 50 m3 of DLB ​​ha-1 per crop.

Averages followed by lowercase letters in the column within each factor do not differ from each other by the Tukey test at 5%. NS: Not significant at 5% probability.


  1. Conflict of interest – Authors must disclose any conflict of interest that may be related to their manuscripts at the time of submission. Likewise, the editorial team is alert to issues of conflict of interest during the review process of articles by ad hoc consultants or the committee, and seeks to avoid personal interests and others that may influence the preparation or evaluation of manuscripts.
  2. Authors are advised to avoid citing the institution, experimental station or laboratory where the experiment was conducted to ensure blind review of the papers.
  3. Plagiarism – The journal does not tolerate, under any circumstances, total or partial plagiarism, not even self-plagiarism. The editorial team applies plagiarism detection software to all manuscripts approved for publication.

20. Research data

The Agropecuária Catarina journal , from December 2024, will encourage authors to share all research data from their work in the magazine. In this case, authors may provide the location where the raw data is stored, unless this is not possible for ethical, privacy or confidentiality reasons. If data sharing is not applicable to the article (such as in the case of literature reviews) because no datasets were generated or analyzed during the current study, this should be stated. It is important to note that during the manuscript submission process, the journal will ask authors to state whether they will make the data available via the submission letter.

The journal recommends that authors deposit research data in one of several thematic data repositories available and open to all researchers. Visit to help identify registered and certified data repositories relevant to the subject area.

Research data includes: raw or processed data, spreadsheets, statistical analyses of studies, laboratory notebooks, field notebooks, audio, questionnaires, photographs, protein or genetic sequences, methodologies, programming languages, standards and protocols.

File formats for preservation recommended by data deposit databases:

  • Textual data: XML, TXT, HTML, PDF, Open Office
  • Tabular data (including spreadsheets): CSV, XLS
  • Databases: XML, CSV
  • Images: TIFF, PNG
  • Audio: FLAC, WAV, MP3
  • Compressed: ZIP
  • README files: TXT

If the author makes the article data available, the publication of this data must be completed before the final version of the article (in case of acceptance), so that it can reference the published data. If you need assistance, please consult the journal's editorial team.

For more information on data deposit and research data management, we suggest consulting the USP libraries website (

It is important to note that during the manuscript submission process, the journal will ask authors to state whether they will make the data available via the submission letter (see new submission letter template). For more information on data deposit and research data management, we suggest consulting the USP libraries website (


21. Please indicate in a message to the editor a list of names and respective email addresses of potential reviewers in the area of ​​submission of your article or another area of ​​knowledge.

With the following information:

Full name, email, areas of knowledge



The journal Agropecuária Catarinense does not charge submission or publication fees from authors.



  1. Submission stage

Articles must be submitted in digital format through the OJS electronic platform available at the following address: This submission must be made by one of the authors of the manuscript through 5 steps:

Step 1: Indicate section, language, accept conditions, sign copyright statement

The submission process will begin by indicating and registering the section (“Technical information, scientific note, scientific article, etc.) and the language of the submission (which may be “Portuguese” or “English”).

Next, the author who registers the submission, on behalf of the other collaborators (if applicable), must confirm that the submission complies with the nine items mentioned at the beginning of the publication rules (submission conditions).

After these conditions, on behalf of the other collaborators (if applicable), the author who registers must register/reaffirm his/her agreement in a copyright statement, which will occur upon adoption of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.

Finally, the author who makes the submission has access to the privacy policy data and may, if deemed necessary, submit comments to the editor who will coordinate/conduct the evaluation process.

Step 2: Transfer of the manuscript

The second step of the submission involves transferring (uploading) the file that will be peer-reviewed (provided that it meets the set of elements described in the previous sections and does not contain elements identifying the author). At this point, the author can also upload figures, documents, and other materials. When uploading the full article, select the “Article text” option; when uploading photos, graphs, and similar materials, select the “Figures” option; when uploading the submission letter (copyright letter), use the “Documents” option.

It should be noted that the journal platform only accepts files smaller than 4Mb (file size limit), whether text files, photos, etc.

Step 3: Inclusion of metadata

In the third step of the submission, the author who registers must register a set of metadata that identifies the authorship and the manuscript.

The first field that must be selected is the FORM LANGUAGE. Since the article information (title, abstract, and indexing terms) must be registered in 2 languages ​​(Portuguese and English), the author who registers the data must do the procedure twice in the different languages.

Next, the data of all authors must be registered, taking into account the following guidelines:

- The fields “First name”, “Middle name” and “Last name” must be filled out in full with only the initial letter in capital letters;

- In the “E-mail” field, enter an updated address and check the characters registered;

- In the “ORCID iD” field, enter the address generated by the ORCID platform, available at: Completing this field is mandatory. Therefore, all authors who will be included must register on the aforementioned platform and, from there, have their IDs (links) to fill out the field.

- The “Institution/Affiliation” field must be filled out in the following order: Name of the Institution, Name of the institution's unit/department, City, State. [Example: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). School of Physical Education, Physiotherapy and Dance (ESEFID), Porto Alegre, RS]. Do not put a period after the information about the State or the country. This field is considered mandatory.

- Select and register the author's “Country”. This field is also considered mandatory.

- Fill in the “Biography Summary” field with information about the author's academic and professional career. It is suggested that the text with the biography be approximately five lines long.

These items above should be considered (especially those indicated as mandatory) for all authors. To include a new author, click on the ADD AUTHOR button.

Once all authors have been registered, you should proceed to insert the metadata of the work being submitted. The data are:

- Title of the work.

- Abstracts with up to 20 lines for articles, bibliographic reviews and germplasm, and 15 lines for information and scientific notes.

- Index terms consisting of up to 5 terms that identify the subject of the article, separated by periods. Do not repeat terms used in the title;

- Supporting data from “Contributors and Funding Agencies”, that is, from people or organizations that contributed to the content or offered financial support for the work.

- Inclusion of bibliographic references following the journal's standards. Each reference should be separated by 1 line to facilitate capture by the authors.

Step 4: Confirmation

In this phase, the submission of the work is confirmed. A confirmation email will be sent to the author and another to the Editor, alerting them to the new submission.

Step 5: Confirmation

In this phase, general information is provided to the author. The files that were attached can be checked, but they cannot be changed. Other aspects of the submission cannot be changed either. After this operation is completed, the author can monitor the status of the submission by accessing the system with the “Author” role.


  1. Manuscript correction phase

In the “Evaluation” tab, the author responsible for the submission must attach the files necessary for the editor/section editor’s opinion (text of the corrected article, response letter, new figures, etc.):

  • Corrected Article, in this case, is the corrected manuscript, containing all the changes made to the original version based on the editor’s recommendation. In this phase, the original manuscript must be replaced by the corrected version.
  • Response Letter is the authors' response to the recommendations of the reviewers and the editor, in which the authors must point out the corrections made to the original version according to the editor's recommendation. If any recommendation is rejected by the authors, a justification must be presented. A response letter is not always necessary, especially if only a few corrections are requested.
  • Figures are the photos, graphs and other similar elements that make up the article. If requested by the reviewers/editors, figures may be included or eliminated from the manuscript. To do this, the author responsible for the submission must follow the following guidelines
  • In the EVALUATION tab, click on SEND FILE in the revisions box
  • Select the OTHERS option in the list of ARTICLE COMPONENTS
  • Select the file LETTER RESPONSE on your computer and click on SEND FILE
  • Click on the CONTINUE button (in 1. Upload File)
  • Click on the CONTINUE button again (in 2. Metadata)
  • Click on the SEND A NEW FILE button (in 3. Finalization)
  • Select the file corresponding to the corrected article in the list IF YOU ARE UPLOADING A REVISION OF AN EXISTING FILE, PLEASE INDICATE WHICH FILE. After that, the original Complete Manuscript is automatically selected in the Article Components list
  • Select the corrected COMPLETE MANUSCRIPT file (preferably DOC) on your computer and click SEND FILE
  • Click the CONTINUE button (in 1. Upload File)
  • Click the CONTINUE button again (in 2. Metadata)
  • Click the FINISH button (in 3. Finalization)
  • Click the SAVE AND CONTINUE button

It is worth mentioning that if the author wishes to communicate with the editors at any stage of the process, he/she can use the REVIEW DISCUSSION tool by clicking on ADD COMMENTS. In this case, he/she can send a message to ask questions or send documents.

Technical report

The Technical Report refers to the description of an already established technique, diseases, pest insects and other technical recommendations of a practical nature, with the main public extensionists and technicians in general. The subject must be part of the author's research or professional practice. Maximum of eight pages, including figures and tables. It should have an Abstract (maximum of 15 lines, including Index terms), English title, Abstract and Index terms, Introduction and subtitles, according to the content of the text. To conclude the article, the subheading Final Considerations or Recommendations is used. Acknowledgments is optional and references should not exceed ten.

Scientific note

The Scientific Note refers to unprecedented and recent scientific research with important results and of interest for a quick dissemination, however with insufficient volume of information to constitute a complete scientific article. It may also be the description of a new disease or insect pest. It should have a maximum of eight pages (including tables and figures). It must be organized in title, full name of the authors (without abbreviation), Abstract (maximum of 15 lines, including terms for indexing), title in English, Abstract and Index terms, flowing text, Acknowledgments (optional), References, tables and figures . It should not exceed ten references.


The Germplasm section must contain title, full name of the authors, Abstract (maximum of 20 lines, including terms for indexing), title in English, Abstract and Index terms, Introduction, origin (including pedigree), description (plant, sprouting, flowering, fruit, leaf, root system, table with comparative data), perspectives and problems of the new cultivar or germplasm, material availability and References. There is a limit of 12 pages for each article, including tables and figures.

Scientific article

The scientific article must be conclusive, coming from a research that has already ended. It must be organized in title, full name of the authors (without abbreviation), Abstract (maximum of 20 lines, including terms for indexing), title in English, Abstract and Index terms, Introduction, Material and methods, Results and discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments (optional), References, tables and figures. Index terms should not contain words that already exist in the title and should have a minimum of three and a maximum of five words. Scientific names in the title should not contain the name of the species identifier. There is a limit of 15 pages for a scientific article, including tables and figures.

Bibliografic review

The bibliographic review presents the state of the art technology or technological process of Agrarian Sciences, on which the author (s) must have recognized qualification and experience. The text must present not only a descriptive analysis, but also a critical one, and updated bibliographic references. It must contain title, full name of the authors (without abbreviation), Abstract (maximum of 20 lines), including Index terms, English title, Abstract and Index terms, Development, Discussion, Conclusions or Final Considerations, Acknowledgments (optional), References, tables and figures. It should not exceed 16 pages, including tables and figures.

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