El Niño is highlighted in the Agropecuária Catarinense journal


The El Niño phenomenon is strongly affecting the southern states and has been causing changes in several regions of the country. It has caused excessive rain in the south, drought in other regions and high temperatures in several parts of the country. Forecasts indicate that El Niño will still remain strong this summer. Check out the journal for data on the current phenomenon and a historical analysis of the topic in the State.

Other interesting topics covered in this edition are the problems of toxins caused by algae in shellfish and the use of digital tools in beekeeping. In addition to the highlights mentioned, the current edition of RAC brings several other relevant topics, such as the first record of the diptera Zaprionus tuberculatus in SC, the soybean seed market, sprouting inducers in peach trees, corn and soybean production systems and much more.


Don't forget to read the Agropecuária Catarinense journal



Agropecuária Catarinense journal

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