Effects of autumnal pruning on grape varieties for processing in the state of Santa Catarina
Vitis labrusca, Anticipated, autumn, winterAbstract
This work aimed to evaluate the phenological and productive behavior of early cycle varieties of grapes for processing, pruned in autumn, when compared to winter in Santa Catarina state. The varieties were SCS Paulina, Isabel Precoce and Concord Clone 30, evaluated in Videira, SC, from 2015 to 2018. Autumn pruning was carried out between mid-April and May, and winter pruning in mid-August. Plant phenology, estimated yield per hectare, pH, soluble solids content and total acidity of the grapes were evaluated. All varieties showed early budding when pruned in autumn. For 'SCS Paulina' and 'Isabel Precoce' the difference in the beginning of budding maintained an average of 2 days. For ‘Concord Clone 30’ there was an anticipation of 6 days in all harvests. For ‘Isabel Precoce’, plants pruned in autumn had lower productivity compared to those pruned in winter, in all of the harvests. The pruning time did not affect the productivity of the SCS Paulina and Concord Clone 30 variety, as well as it did not influence the physicochemical quality of the grapes for all the varieties studied.
Publication Facts
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- Academic society
- Epagri - Revista Agropecuária Catarinense
- Publisher
- Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina - Epagri
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Copyright (c) 2022 André Luiz Kulkamp de Souza, Angélica Bender

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