Animal production and ingestive behavior in an integrated crop-livestock system




Avena strigosa Schreb, fertilization system, grazing intensity, Lolium multiflorum Lam, nitrogen fertilization


This trial aimed to assess animal performance and production in a mixture pasture of black oat and annual ryegrass in an integrated crop-livestock system by means of a 2x2 factorial experiment replicated in three randomized blocks. The plots consisted of two canopy heights (10 and 25cm) kept by continuous grazing and submitted to two-nitrogen fertilization (NP – nitrogen applied on pasture in autumn time; and NG – nitrogen applied on corn crop in springtime). The total amount of nutrients applied over the year was the same for all treatments. Forage nutritive value, herbage allowance, forage mass, and pasture carrying capacity increased with nitrogen application (urea – 45% N) on pasture, with no effect on animal performance, resulting in higher animal production per area. Lower sward canopy height led to lower forage mass, longer grazing diurnal time, and shorter rumination diurnal time.


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Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina - Epagri


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How to Cite

Elejalde, D. A. G., Brugnara Soares, A. ., Missio, R. L. ., Assmann, T. S. ., Bernardon, A. ., & Zatta, A. C. . (2021). Animal production and ingestive behavior in an integrated crop-livestock system. Agropecuária Catarinense Journal, 34(3), 76–81.



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