Borate fertilization increases soybean productivity in clay soil


  • Eduardo Cézar Medeiros Saldanha Rio Tinto



Micronutrients, Corrective fertilization, Plant nutrition


Most crops of agricultural importance have shown responses to the application of boron (B) in different regions and production environments in Brazil, certainly in response to the low reserves of this nutrient in the soil. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effects of boron doses on the nutritional and productive aspects of soybean crops. The experiment was conducted in the 2022/2023 harvest in the municipality of Santa Carmem – MT in a Red-Yellow Oxisol, with a clayey texture. Six treatments with four replications were used, arranged in randomized blocks. Treatments consisted of 0.0; 0.5; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0 and 3.0 kg ha-1 of B, sodium tetraborate pentahydrate was used as a fertilizer source. The application of 2.0 kg ha-1 of B provided greater soybean productivity, with a percentage increase of 10.6% compared to the control treatment (an increase of 8.3 bags ha-1). This result is certainly associated with the low B content in the soil and the favored flower setting after supply.


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Author Biography

Eduardo Cézar Medeiros Saldanha, Rio Tinto

Engenheiro Agrônomo, Mestre em Ciência do Solo (UFRPE) e Doutor em Agronomia (UFRA), trabalha atualmente como Agrônomo Sênior na Rio Tinto Desenvolvimento Minerais, onde ocupa o cargo de Especialista de Desenvolvimento Agronômico. Ao longo da vida profissional, planejou, executou e participou de vários projetos técnicos relacionados à Engenharia Agronômica: Desenvolvimento de fertilizantes, planejamento nutricional de culturas agrícolas (anuais e perenes), pesquisa e investigação científica, experimentação agrícola, metodologias de diagnóstico nutricional, estudos de potencialidade agrícola de solos, nutrição de plantas e fertirrigação.


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How to Cite

Saldanha, E. C. M. (2024). Borate fertilization increases soybean productivity in clay soil. Agropecuária Catarinense Journal, 37(1), 14–18.



Scientific note