Agronomic behavior of grape rootstocks resistant to young vine decline in the conditions of the state of Santa Catarina Brazil




Vitis, Phytopatology


Abstract – Young vine decline caused by the joint action of ground pearl or margarodes (Eurhizococcus brasiliensis) and pathogenic fungi (Cylindrocarpon, Phaeoacremonium and others) is a major problem in many vineyards of the South of Brazil. Resistant rootstocks can be used to reduce the losses caused by this phytosanitary problem; however, these rootstocks are not used on a large scale in the South of Brazil. This study evaluated the agronomic characteristics of the cultivar Moscato Embrapa grafted on these rootstocks, and compared to Paulsen 1103 and R99, which were used as reference. Tropical rootstocks IAC 313 Tropical, IAC571-6 Jundiaí and IAC 766 Campinas induced early bud break when compared to Paulsen 1103, unlike VR043- 43 and Dog Ridge. Even tropical rootstocks with no winter dormancy behave as normal rootstocks when grafted. IAC 572 Jales has the advantage of not inducing early bud break but causes excessive vigor, requiring special management practices to control vegetative development


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Author Biographies

Marco Antônio Dalbó, Epagri/E.E. Videira

Eng. Agr., PhD., Pesquisador da Epagri - Estação Experimental de Videira, email:; fone: (49) 3533 5622

Nelson Pires Feldberg, Embrapa - Canoinhas

Eng. Agr. MSc., Pesquisador da Embrapa Produtos e Mercado - Escritório de Canoinhas, email: (47) 3624 0127.



How to Cite

Dalbó, M. A., & Feldberg, N. P. (2019). Agronomic behavior of grape rootstocks resistant to young vine decline in the conditions of the state of Santa Catarina Brazil. Agropecuária Catarinense Journal, 32(2), 68–72.



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