Planted forest area estimation in Santa Catarina using random sampling point


  • Fabrício Baugarten Cardoso Regional University of Blumenau
  • Julio Cesar Refosco FURB
  • Moacir Marcolin Regional University of Blumenau
  • Matheus Eneas Schefer Gervin Regional University of Blumenau


Palabras clave:

reforestation, agricultural statistics, satellite images, geographical information systems


Management of planted forests depends, among other information, on the knowledge of their extensions and spatial distribution. The current information about the area of planted forests in the state of Santa Catarina comes from sources without proper accuracy assessment. This work aimed to evaluate the use of random point sampling in estimating the planted forest area in the state of Santa Catarina. A minimum sample of 200 points per municipality was used, with a maximum standard error of 2%. The results indicated a total planted forest area of 1,135,481ha, with a standard error of 0.12%, in the state of Santa Catarina. The municipalities with the largest planted forest areas are in the mesoregions Serrana, Oeste Catarinense, and Norte Catarinense. The random point sampling methodology showed a precise result for the state of Santa Catarina in a simple and objective way, and may be effective for decision-making in planning.


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Biografía del autor/a

Fabrício Baugarten Cardoso, Regional University of Blumenau

Fabrício Baumgarten Cardoso é engenheiro florestal e mestre em engenharia florestal. Atua como consultor em engenharia florestal e meio ambiente.

Julio Cesar Refosco, FURB

Julio Cesar Refosco é engenheiro florestal, mestre em ciências ambientais e doutor em ciências humanas - interdisciplinar. É professor do programa de pós-graduação em engenharia florestal da universidade regional de Blumenau (Furb) e professor de graduação na mesma universidade.

Moacir Marcolin, Regional University of Blumenau

Moacir Marcolin é engenheiro florestal, mestre em engenharia florestal. É professor do curso de graduação em engenharia florestal da universidade regional de Blumenau (Furb).

Matheus Eneas Schefer Gervin, Regional University of Blumenau

Matheus Eneas Scheffer Gervin é engenheiro florestal. Atua como consultor em engenharia florestal e meio ambiente.


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Cómo citar

Cardoso, F. B., Refosco, J. C., Marcolin, M., & Gervin, M. . E. S. (2023). Planted forest area estimation in Santa Catarina using random sampling point. Agropecuária Catarinense, 36(2), 61–67.



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