Heavy rains for soil conservation projects in the state of Santa Catarina


  • Álvaro José Back Epagri/Estação Experimental de Urussanga
  • Leandro do Prado Wildner Epagri/Cepaf, Chapecó, SC
  • Jóri Ramos Pereira Unesc/ Criciúma, SC




terraces, erosion, agricultural drainage, terracing


In order to design structures for soil and water conservation, it is essential to know the value of intense rain in each location. The present work had as objective to determine the representative value of the intense rains to be used in projects of conservation of the soil and water for all the municipalities of the state of Santa Catarina. Series of 162 pluviometric stations were used that had more than 30 years of data, including the period after the year 2000. For each station the parameters of the GEV and Gumbel distribution were adjusted. With the distribution that showed the best adjustment, the maximum rainfall values with a 10-year return period were estimated. These data were spatialized using the Krigagem method and the representative average values were obtained for each municipality in Santa Catarina. The results show a spatial variation of intense rain in the state, with higher values in the Regions of the Far West, Central Coast and North Coast, and lower in the Alto Vale do Itajaí. For the 10-year return period, the maximum daily rainfall ranged from 104.9 to 157.1mm, and the intensity of the rain lasting 15 minutes ranged from 93.2 to 139.5mm h-1.


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Author Biographies

Álvaro José Back, Epagri/Estação Experimental de Urussanga

Epagri/ Estação Experimental de Urussanga, Urussanga, SC

Leandro do Prado Wildner, Epagri/Cepaf, Chapecó, SC

Engenheiro Agrônomo, MSc em Agronomia,  pesquisador da Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária E de Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina S A

Jóri Ramos Pereira, Unesc/ Criciúma, SC

Engenheiro Agrimensor, MSc em Ciências Ambientais, Centro de Engenharia e Geoprocessamento, Parque Cientifico e tecnológico, Universidade do  Extremo Sul Catarinense


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How to Cite

Back, Álvaro J., Wildner, L. do P., & Pereira, J. R. (2021). Heavy rains for soil conservation projects in the state of Santa Catarina. Agropecuária Catarinense Journal, 34(2), 65–72. https://doi.org/10.52945/rac.v34i2.1140



Scientific article