Overall impact of the introduction of automated milking system in dairy farms


  • Silvia Villa Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina- UDESC
  • Ana Luiza Bachmann Schogor Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina- UDESC




milking, nutrition, dairy cows


 The automated milking systems (AMS) and the behavior monitoring are gaining in popularity within the milk production chain. The lack of rural labor, the search for quality improvement and the management and professionalization of dairy properties, means that the modernization of production systems is constantly taking place, from the traditional milking system, to milking parlors and to the introduction of automated milking systems. The increase in milking frequency offers udder health advantages, as the removal of contaminants more frequently, improves comfort and monitoring in cases of mastitis. The AMS and the herd management system must be properly parameterized, such as distribution of milking frequency according to the lactation curve. The animals at the beginning of lactation must be milked more frequently than animals in the middle and
at the end of lactation. Several associated factors can interfere with milking frequency, such as facilities, animal behavior and management. Feeding strategies must be are applied on farms that have the AMS, with the objective of meeting the nutritional
needs of the cows and acting as a motivation for the animals to voluntarily visit the milking.


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Author Biographies

Silvia Villa, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina- UDESC

Médica veterinária formada em 2020 pela Unochapecó. É mestranda em Zootecnia pela UDESC, e gerente operacional e médica veterinária responsável do Tambo Irmãos Villa, desenvolvendo atividades gerenciais, clínica médica e reprodução de bovinos.

Ana Luiza Bachmann Schogor, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina- UDESC

Zootecnista, formada pela UFPR em 2004. Possui mestrado pela ESALQ-USP, e doutorado pela UEM e no Agriculture and Agri-food Canada. Em 2013 realizou pós-doutorado na Aberystwyth University, País de Gales. Desde 2014 é professora do Departamento de Zootecnia da UDESC, e ministra as disciplinas de bovinocultura de leite e nutrição de ruminantes para os cursos de graduação e pós-graduação em Zootecnia da UDESC.


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How to Cite

Villa, S., & Schogor, A. L. B. . (2022). Overall impact of the introduction of automated milking system in dairy farms. Agropecuária Catarinense Journal, 35(3), 108–112. https://doi.org/10.52945/rac.v35i3.1357



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