SCS315 Catarina-gigante: productive summer perennial grass cultivar adapted to Santa Catarina conditions
Axonopus catharinensis, giant missionary, pastureAbstract
The cultivar SCS 315 Catarina-gigante is the first cultivar of the species Axonopus catharinensis Valls, after more than two decades of selection and evaluation of different progenies of the giant missionary grass, collected in different regions of the State of Santa Catarina. The cv. Catarina-gigante is a triploid hybrid, sterile, with vegetative reproduction and a perennial cycle. It presents semi-erect growth, with the presence of vegetative stolons, with great reproductive capacity. It stands out for the predominance of leaves, with the presence of stalks only in the reproductive period, high palatability, high resistance to grasshoppers and adaptation to moderate levels of shading. Several evaluation tests have proven that the cultivar has adaptation to Cfa and Cfb climate regions, being recommended for use throughout the State of Santa Catarina. The cultivar was registered with the National System for the Protection of Cultivars (SNPC) with certificate nº 29492. The availability of certified seedlings occurs in nurseries accredited by Epagri.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ana Lúcia Hanisch, Murilo Dalla Costa, Jefferson Araújo Flaresso, Edison Xavier de Almeida
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