Variations in productivity and dry matter of cassava roots as a function of the harvest season


  • Augusto Carlos Pola Epagri/Estação Experimental de Urussanga, Santa Catarina, Brasil
  • Alexsander Luís Moreto Epagri/Estação Experimental de Urussanga, Santa Catarina, Brasil
  • Eduardo da Costa Nunes Epagri/Estação Experimental de Urussanga, Santa Catarina, Brasil
  • Luiz Augusto Martins Peruch Epagri/Estação Experimental de Urussanga, Santa Catarina, Brasil
  • Enilto de Oliveira Neubert Epagri/Estação Experimental de Urussanga, Santa Catarina, Brasil



Manihot esculenta, starch, drought, temperature, yield.


Cassava processing industries, located in Southern Coast of Santa Catarina State, Brazil, operate for only four months a year. The objective of this work was to identify varieties that make possible to extend the harvest period and, consequently, to increase the industrial processing period. Six varieties were evaluated during 17 consecutive months regarding to crop yield and root dry matter content. It was observed an average increase of 29.0% in root production and a decrease in dry matter content of 6.28% between the first vegetative cycle (July) and the second (April). These variations were influenced by the occurrence of root rot, drought and high temperatures. The results indicated that it is possible to increase the period of operation of the industries with the use of cultivars with higher dry matter content, such as SCS253-Sangão and SCS254- Sambaqui.


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Author Biographies

Augusto Carlos Pola, Epagri/Estação Experimental de Urussanga, Santa Catarina, Brasil

Graduado em Engenharia Agronômica no Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias (Lages-SC) em 1984. Mestrado em Agrometeorologia na Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" em 1987.

Epagri/Estação Experimental de Urussanga

Alexsander Luís Moreto, Epagri/Estação Experimental de Urussanga, Santa Catarina, Brasil

Engenheiro Agrônomo, Dr.

Eduardo da Costa Nunes, Epagri/Estação Experimental de Urussanga, Santa Catarina, Brasil

Engenheiro Agrônomo, Dr.

Luiz Augusto Martins Peruch, Epagri/Estação Experimental de Urussanga, Santa Catarina, Brasil

Engenheiro Agrônomo, Dr.

Enilto de Oliveira Neubert, Epagri/Estação Experimental de Urussanga, Santa Catarina, Brasil

Engenheiro Agrônomo, M.Sc.



How to Cite

Pola, A. C., Moreto, A. L., Nunes, E. da C., Peruch, L. A. M., & Neubert, E. de O. (2017). Variations in productivity and dry matter of cassava roots as a function of the harvest season. Agropecuária Catarinense Journal, 30(3), 79–83.



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