Frost tolerance in summer perennial forages in the Southern Region of Brazil


  • Cleverson Antônio Sbruzzi Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina
  • Gustavo Krahl Vilomix
  • Daniel Augusto Barreta Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina



Tillering, Regrowth, Cold tolerance


In regions with a subtropical climate, like the Southern region of Brazil, it's common to use summer perennial cultivars in pasture-based animal production systems. These cultivars need to be cold-tolerant to survive in the area. This study aimed to assess which summer perennial forage cultivars or species can better withstand winter conditions in a subtropical climate. Ten forage cultivars were evaluated for frost damage on leaves and the percentage of tiller regrowth at 30, 60, 90, and 120 days after the last frost. Species from the genera Panicum (Syn. Megathyrsus) and Brachiaria (Syn. Urochloa) showed the highest percentages of frost damage, while the mission grass and the cultivars Prima and Tifton 85 showed the lowest percentage of damage. The cultivars Braúna and Mavuno did not exhibit tiller regrowth after the cold period. Even though some species are considered "cold-tolerant," the lack of experiments in specific locations may lead to the planting of cultivars in regions where frost could affect their long-term viability.


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Author Biographies

Cleverson Antônio Sbruzzi, Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina

Zootecnista formado pela UNOESC/Xanxerê. Produtor rural no município de Vargeão, SC

Gustavo Krahl, Vilomix

Zootecnista formado pela UDESC/CEO. Mestre e doutor em ciência animal formado pela UDESC/CAV. Foi professor da UNOESC entre os anos de 2015 e 2021 na área de produção animal. Atualmente é nutricionista de suínos na empresa Vilomix.

Daniel Augusto Barreta, Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina

Zootecnist, Ph.D. in Animal Science, professor in the field of forage and pasture management at UNOESC-Xanxerê.


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How to Cite

Sbruzzi, C. A., Krahl, G., & Barreta, D. A. (2024). Frost tolerance in summer perennial forages in the Southern Region of Brazil . Agropecuária Catarinense Journal, 37(2), 23–25.



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