Use of sexual pheromone in the oriental fruit moth management in apple orchards in São Joaquim, SC
Grapholita molesta (Busck), mating disruption, monitoringAbstract
Abstract- The perception of São Joaquim fruit growers to the use of the synthetic sex pheromone for the management of the oriental fruit moth was evaluated through interviews. In the municipality, 85.7% of the interviewees know the technique of mating disruption (MD), however only 68% use the technology. The use of SPLAT® formulations predominates, but only from December, considered late period due to the high population of the pest. About 30% of fruit growers do not use TIA due to the scarcity of skilled labor for distribution of the release and the difficulty of monitoring the effectiveness of the technique. In order to increase MD employment in the municipality, it is essential to publicize the appropriate time to release the liberators, to define a method that reduces investments in labor and to establish a pest monitoring system in the treated areas.
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