Economic evaluation by financial projection of an densification of yerba mate
Non-timber forest products, payback, NPV, IRR.Abstract
The exploitation of yerba mate is one of the oldest agricultural activities in the region of Planalto Norte Catarinense, besides the cultural bond represents a source of income and employability for farmers. The present work is aimed at the study of the economic evaluation of a yerba mate densification. The study herd is a random densification in a native plantation, done with the intention of increasing the productivity. Herb productivity was estimated in three harvesting systems: in an annual
system, in a biennial system (Biennial 1) and in an intercalated system, where each half of the herd is harvested every two years intercalated (Biennial 2). For each collection system, the payback, the revenue/cost ratio, the average cost of production, the net present value (NPV), equivalent annual value (EAV), infinite net present value (NPV∞) and the internal rate of return (IRR) were calculated. After processing all the data, the annual system was clearly the one with the shortest payback of 1.66 years showing that in this system the return on the initial investment will be faster, since it avoids the natural loss of leaves. The
annual harvest system also presented better NPV and higher 76% IRR, demonstrating better economic viability.
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