Scallop culture in Santa catarina: technologies used and infl uence of environmental factors


  • Guilherme Sabino Rupp Epagri/CEDAP



bivalve molluscs, Nodipecten nodosus, mariculture


This paper presents a summary of the aquaculture act vit es with the scallop Nodipecten nodosus in Santa Catarina, the technologies used, and results of studies on the infl uence of environmental factors on cult vated scallops. The cult vat on
is carried out in Japanese-type lantern-nets suspended in surface long-lines, in which the scallops reach the commercial size of 7 to 8cm in about a year, and are sold at a price of approximately R$ 50,00 dozen-1. Based on research results, the main
constraints for expanding the product on of scallops in the State, such as the availability of areas with adequate environmental condit ons are discussed and suggest ons are made to overcome them


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Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina - Epagri

Author Biography

Guilherme Sabino Rupp, Epagri/CEDAP

Biólogo, Ph.D.



Centro de Desenvolvimento em aquicultura e Pesca


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How to Cite

Rupp, G. S. (2020). Scallop culture in Santa catarina: technologies used and infl uence of environmental factors. Agropecuária Catarinense Journal, 33(3), 14–17.



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