Action of botanical insecticides on kale leafworm
Ascia monuste orseis, Azadirachta indica, Nicotiana tabacum.Abstract
Abstract: Ascia monuste orseis (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) is a key pest of Brassicaceae, and its control still lacks information about alternative management tools. Thus, this study assessed, firstly in laboratory conditions, the ovicidal and larvicidal activities of aqueous extracts prepared from seven plant species and a limonoid-based biopesticide (DalNeem®) against this pest. Furthermore, the antifeedant action of these treatments was also evaluated in tests with and without choice. DalNeem® and aqueous extracts from tobacco powder (Nicotiana tabacum), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus tereticornis) and “timbó” Ateleia glazioveana) reduced the egg viability, being the extract from tobacco powder the treatment with higher ovicidal activity. On the other hand, the aqueous extract from tobacco powder and DalNeem® showed the highest larvicidal action by ingestion. All tested botanical derivatives caused antifeedant effect for kale leafworm. In a field trial, the aqueous extract from tobacco powder showed efficacy similar to a synthetic insecticide based on deltamethrin (Decis® 25CE). In light of these findings, the aqueous extract from tobacco powder and the botanical insecticide DalNeem® have potential for use in A. monuste orseis management.Metrics
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