Sowing and transplanting dates based on thermal and photoperiod availability for onion crops in a subtropical climate of Santa Catarina




Allium cepa, Empasc 352 - Bola Precoce, Degree-days


 The objective of this work was to indicate possible sowing and transplanting dates for the onion variety Empasc 352 - Bola Precoce cultivated in the Alto Vale do Itajaí region in Ituporanga, Santa Catarina, based on thermal availability per Degree-days above 15°C and photoperiod. Ten sowing dates were used at weekly intervals during four agricultural years,
determining the intervals in days for 40 periods between sowing-transplant, sowing-harvest and transplant-harvest at the Epagri Experimental Staton in Ituporanga-SC. The thermal availability did not make transplantng and harvesting unfeasible
throughout the cultivaton period used. For the sowing-to-transplant phase, there was a decrease in accumulated Degreedays from the first sowing date. There was a trend of compensaton of the average daily Degree-days between the sowing-to transplant phase and the transplant-to-harvest phase. The intermediate sowing tmes showed a trend of equivalence of the average daily thermal availability between the three phases, with the seasons of 12/04 the greatest equality. Based on the results, sowing can be recommended between April 15th and the frst half of May with transplants until August 24th, to meet the thermal needs of the cultivar Empasc 352 - Bola Precoce in the Ituporanga region.


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Author Biography

Hamilton Justino Vieira, Epagri

Engenheiro-agrônomo, PhD. Epagri/Centro de Informações de  Recursos Ambientais e de Hidrometeorologia de Santa Catarina – CIRAM, C.P.502, 88 Florianópolis, SC, fone: (048) 36655006,


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How to Cite

Vieira, H. J., de Menezes Junior, F. O. G. ., Blainski, E. ., & Miszinski, J. (2021). Sowing and transplanting dates based on thermal and photoperiod availability for onion crops in a subtropical climate of Santa Catarina. Agropecuária Catarinense Journal, 34(3), 37–42.



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