Autonomous tomato irrigation management using Irrigás® soil sensors
Solanum lycopersicum L., tensiometria gasosa, déficit hídricoAbstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate and validate the use of the Irrigas® soil sensor in the autonomous management of tomato irrigation, in the region of Caçador, SC. In the 2016/17 harvest, an experiment was conducted in a protected environment, evaluating five soil moisture stresses (20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 kPa) for the start of irrigation. In the 2017/18 harvest, a field experiment was conducted evaluating three irrigation managements (autonomous irrigation management based on Irrigás® sensors; irrigation management based on conventional tensiometry; and irrigation management without technical criteria). In the 2018/19 crop the same irrigation management as in the previous harvest, with the exception of irrigation management without technical criteria. Finally, in the 2019/2020 harvest a validation unit was conducted in a protected environment, evaluating the autonomous management of tomato irrigation based on the Irrigás® sensor. In the 2016/17 harvest the highest production of marketable fruits (10.9 kg / plant) was obtained at the estimated soil moisture tension of -44 kPa. In the 2017/18 harvest, there were no differences between the irrigation management evaluated, whereas in the 2018/19 harvest, irrigation management based on the Irrigás® sensor obtained marketable fruit yields 18% higher than management based on conventional tensiometry. Irrigás® sensors allowed the autonomous management of tomato irrigation grown in a protected environment during the entire cycle.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Anderson Fernando Wamser, Anderson Luiz Feltrim, Janice Valmorbida, Juracy Caldeira Lins Junior, Fernando Pereira Monteiro, Guilherme Mallmann, Leandro Hahn
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.