ScS 368 Ituporanga and ScS 369 águas Negras, sweet potato cultivars for Santa catarina State, Brazil


  • Sergio Dias Lannes Epagri / Estação Experimental de Ituporanga
  • Tatiana da Silva Duarte Epagri / Estação Experimental de Ituporanga
  • Gerson Henrique Wamser Epagri / Estação Experimental de Ituporanga, C.P. 121, 88400-000 Ituporanga, SC, fone: (47) 3533-8844
  • Daniel Pedrosa Alves Epagri / Estação Experimental de Ituporanga


Ipomoea batatas (L.), human consumption, plant breeding


The sweet potato is one of the main foods in various regions of the world and an important staple food to fight hunger. It is a tolerant and less demanding species than other agricultural plants, being adapted to lower fertility conditions, and an excellent alternative for family farming as a source of income and human and animal food. The use of appropriate and adapted cultivars results in a higher quality product, improving market acceptance and increasing farmer´s bargaining power at the time of marketing. Thus, Ituporanga Experimental Station (Epagri/EEIt) developed two cultivars of sweet potato called ‘SCS 368 Ituporanga’ and ‘SCS 369 Águas Negras‘, both adapted to the High Valley of Itajaí region. The SCS 368 Ituporanga has cream flesh, white film and high productivity. SCS 369 Águas Negras has also cream pulp but its film coloring root is purple, which is appreciated by consumers. Both have good resistance to rot foot (Plenodomus destruens Harter) and are very promising concerning human consumption and agronomic aspects.


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Author Biographies

Sergio Dias Lannes, Epagri / Estação Experimental de Ituporanga

Engenheiro-agrônomo, Dr.

Tatiana da Silva Duarte, Epagri / Estação Experimental de Ituporanga

Engenheiro-agrônomo, Dr.

Gerson Henrique Wamser, Epagri / Estação Experimental de Ituporanga, C.P. 121, 88400-000 Ituporanga, SC, fone: (47) 3533-8844

Engenheiro-agrônomo, M.Sc.

Daniel Pedrosa Alves, Epagri / Estação Experimental de Ituporanga

Engenheiro-agrônomo, Dr.


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How to Cite

Lannes, S. D., Duarte, T. da S., Wamser, G. H., & Alves, D. P. (2017). ScS 368 Ituporanga and ScS 369 águas Negras, sweet potato cultivars for Santa catarina State, Brazil. Agropecuária Catarinense Journal, 28(2), 51–54. Retrieved from




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