Damage by a windstorm in banana plantations of different cultivars (Musa spp.)
pseudostem breaking, falling of banana plants, windstormAbstract
Abstract- Susceptibility of banana plant to wind damage is highlighted in this scientific note for cultivars Grand Nain (AAA), SCS451 Catarina (AAB), Branca (Santa Catarina) (AAB), BRS Tropical (AAAB) and Silver Bluggoe (ABB). The pseudostem break or fall of banana plants of these cultivars in consequence of strong winds were evaluated by chi-square tests after being hit by a windstorm. The results showed that the cultivar SCS451 Catarina was highly resistant, the cultivar Branca was resistant, the cultivars BRS Tropical and Silver Bluggoe were susceptible and the cultivar Grand Nain was highly susceptible. Falling of banana plants was the main type of wind damage for the cultivars Grand Nain and BRS Tropical whereas pseudostem breaking was for the others cultivars. Both the susceptibility to wind damages and the type of damages are genotype-dependent characteristics.
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- Academic society
- Epagri - Revista Agropecuária Catarinense
- Publisher
- Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina - Epagri
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