Effect of cultivation system on gladiolus production in Alto Vale do Itajaí, SC
Gladiolus x grandiflorus Hort., Minimum cultivation, Stem quality.Abstract
The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of the cultivation system on plant development and the quality of floral stems of gladiolus. The experimental design was completely randomized with two cultivars: White Goddess and Red Beauty; two harvest dates: Mother's Day (MD) and Valentine's Day (VD); and two cultivation systems: conventional and minimum. In the plants were evaluated number of leaves, total dry mass, number of flowers in stem, days for emergence and harvested, stem length and diameter. For cultivar Red Beauty cultivated for MD, the minimum cultivation provided greater number of leaves, high stem length and diameter; while for VD, the minimum cultivation provided more dry mass, number of flowers in stem and days for emergence. For White Goddess was detected effect of the cultivation system only for MD. The plants presented high stem length and diameter in the minimum cultivation system, but presented lower dry mass. For Red Beauty, 83.4% and 25% of the stems were classified as extra in minimum and conventional cultivation, respectively, while White Goddess presented 100% of the stems as extra in both cultivation systems.Metrics
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