Soybean nutraceutical canonic inter-relations and its reflections on breeding


  • Ivan Ricardo Carvalho UNIJUI
  • José Antonio Gonzalez da Silva UNIJUÍ
  • Murilo Vieira Loro UNIJUÍ
  • Marlon Vinícius Da Rosa Sarturi
  • Danieli Jacoboski Hutra
  • Francine Lautenchleger


Palabras clave:

Glycine max, plant genetics, segregating families, multivariate analysis


In recent years, questionings on the behavior of genotypes in different environments are frequent, especially those seeking to disclose the commercial and nutritional value of soybean genotypes. Consequently, this study – which is linked to the IRC Soybean Breeding Program located in Campos Borges, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil – sought to analyze the physiological and nutritional aspects of S5 Soybean Segregating Families. Research design consisted of complete randomized blocks containing 40 soybean genotypes arranged in four repetitions, corresponding to F5 generation genotypes tested in 2018/2019. This generation was obtained via artificial hybridizations of F1s plants carried out in 2014/2015, F2s in 2015/2016, F3 segregating families in 2016/2017 and F4 in 2017/2018. Traits were evaluated by a statistical model, verifying normality and homogeneity of variances. Behavioral explanation of the F5 Soybean Segregating Families was calculated using analysis of variance, grouping of means, and linear and canonical correlation. Analysis of variance showed a significant difference (p <0.01) for all variables, indicating the existence of genetic variability. F5 Segregating Families IRC8_130 and IRC31_102 show promising results in breeding programs involving physiological and nutritional aspects. Crude protein, crude fiber, first pod insertion height, plant height and number of pods with 4 grains, are dominant and determining characteristics for establishing segregating generations, and can be used in breeding programs.


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Cómo citar

Carvalho, I. R., da Silva, J. A. G., Loro, M. V., Sarturi, M. V. D. R. ., Hutra, D. J., & Lautenchleger, F. . (2021). Soybean nutraceutical canonic inter-relations and its reflections on breeding. Agropecuária Catarinense, 34(3), 67–75.



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