Occurrence of Thekopsora minima causing rust in blueberry orchards in Santa Catarina





Vaccinium sp., chemical control, Blueberry diseases, highbush, rabbieteye


The possible occurrence of Thekopsora minima causing rust on blueberry plants was observed in three orchards in Santa Catarina. Morphological and molecular observations, as well as pathogenicity tests were consistent in showing that T. minima is the causal agent of rust in blueberry orchards. In view of the confirmation of T. minima in the blueberry, fruit growers will have a great challenge to manage the rust in Santa Catarina orchards, due to the appropriate environmental conditions for the disease and the predominance of cultivars susceptible to the pathogen.


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How to Cite

Araujo, L., Pinto, F. A. M. F. ., Cristina Lage de Andrade, C., Bitencourt Gomes, L., Ramos Falkenbach, B. ., & Duarte, V. (2022). Occurrence of Thekopsora minima causing rust in blueberry orchards in Santa Catarina. Agropecuária Catarinense Journal, 35(1), 32–35. https://doi.org/10.52945/rac.v35i1.1168



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