Spontaneous plants, dry matter contribution and corn and soybean grain yield in sustainable and conventional production systems
Zea mays L., Glycine max, sowing in the greenAbstract
The competitiveness of Brazilian agribusiness depends on the use of sustainable practices that respect the
environment and meet consumer demands. The weed management is an essential practice in any agricultural system. So, the objective of this work was to carry out a phytosociological survey of spontaneous plants and the contribution of dry matter in the grain yield of corn and soybean areas, conducted in sustainable and conventional systems. The study was installed in an area of 17.11ha, divided into four plots (T): T 1 - sustainable with 5.25ha; T 2 - conventional with 4.85ha; T 3 - conventional with
3.88ha; T 4 - sustainable with 3.13ha, in a corn x soybean rotation system. The sustainable and conventional plots were placed side by side in order to compare the systems. In each plot, 10 points were georeferenced to collect samples of spontaneous plants and to determine crop yields. The spontaneous and cover plants species were identified and placed in an oven at 60°C until constant mass for determination of dry matter. The species richness varied according to system and year. The increase in plant residues in the sustainable system reduced the presence of turnip, horseweed and star grass. In 2018, the sustainable soy yield surpassed the conventional one and in 2020 the conventional corn surpassed the sustainable one. In the other years, yield was similar.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Cirio Parizotto, Rodolfo Vargas Castilhos, Fabiana Schmidt, Cristiano Nunes Nesi
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