Characterization of the aggressivity and erosivity of the rains in Ituporanga, Santa Catarina
Precipitation, soil conservation, erosion, extreme eventsAbstract
Extreme rainfall is responsible for serious erosion problems and mass movements such as landslides. Rain erosivity
is defined as the aggressiveness of rain as an erosive agent. Estimating rainfall erosivity is important for evaluating soil erosion and planning agricultural activities, management, and conservation practices. To analyze the aggressiveness and erosivity indices of rain in Ituporanga, SC, monthly rainfall data from 1941 to 2021 from the rainfall station of the National Water and Basic Sanitation Agency (ANA), located in Ituporanga, SC were used. The Fournier Index (IF), Modified Fournier Index (IFM), Total Erosivity Index (IET), and the Erosivity Index (EI30) were calculated. The average FI obtained was 18.1, which is classified as low aggressiveness. The IFM was 123, classified as High Aggressiveness. The IET is 1060.39mm, which is classified as
low. The EI30 erosivity index is 7549MJ mm ha−1h−1 year-1, classified as High. The annual rainfall variation determines rainfall erosivity values ranging from 4800 to 13477MJ mm ha−1h−1 year-1.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Alvaro Jose Back Back, Juliane Garcia Knapik Justen, Clístenes Antônio Guadagnin
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