Use of chlorinated products in the disinfection of fish ponds
Chlorine, Fishpond preparation, ManagementAbstract
Different fishes present in farms can be voracious predators of fingerlings to be stocked in the rearing. To eliminate these predators, calcium hypochlorite 65% (HC65%) and sodium dichloroisocyanurate 65% (DS65%) were evaluated in tilapia, yellow-tail characin and South America catfish juveniles. Initially, clear water assays were performed to determine the lethal concentration (LC) for these three fish species. Subsequently, tests were performed in a fish pond to observe the CL100. The CL100 at 8 hours in clear water was 4mg L-1 HC65% or 6mg L-1 DS65% for all three species. Already in ponds, containing 2.4% of organic matter in the soil, the CL100 was 30mg L-1, for both products. According to the result, it advises the concentration above 30mg of chlorine L-1 (3-6g m-2 DS65% or HC65% in ponds containing an average of 10 ~ 20cm water height).
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- Academic society
- Epagri - Revista Agropecuária Catarinense
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- Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina - Epagri
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