Rooting of cuttings of Feijoa sellowiana with the use of antioxidants
vegetative propagation, adventitious rooting, PVPAbstract
Feijoa sellowiana O. Berg is a native fruit with great potential for cultivation; however, Brazil has few orchards on a commercial scale. One of the difficulties in expanding production is linked to obtaining clonal plantles due to the lack of efficient protocols for vegetative propagation. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of the antioxidant polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) in cuttings of F. sellowiana. Different concentrations of PVP (0, 2,000, and 4,000mg L−1), applied systemically, were tested in immersion and associated with a solution of indolebutyric acid (IBA). The application of 4,000mg L−1 of PVP in systemic form resulted in the highest percentages of survival and shooting (47.1% and 25%, respectively) and maximized callus formation (50%) at 90 days of cultivation and rooting (47.5%) at 120 days. The use of PVP favors the vegetative propagation of F. sellowiana by cuttings and may be a relevant tool in the clonal propagation of the species.
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- Academic society
- Epagri - Revista Agropecuária Catarinense
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- Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina - Epagri
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Copyright (c) 2023 Jacqueline Claudino da Silva, Luiza da Silva Tognon, Yago Guedes Martins, Karine Louise dos Santos, Luciano Picolotto , Leonardo Araújo, Kelen Haygert Lencina

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.