Productivity of giant missionary grass, peanut legume forage and its mixtures
grass, legumes, perennial pasturesAbstract
Abstract: The aim of this work was to test the productivity and persistence of giant missionary grass (Axonopus catharinensis Valls), Alqueire, Belmonte and Amarillo cultivars of peanut legume forage (Arachis pintoi) and its mixtures in the West region of Santa Catarina state. The experiment was conducted at Epagri Chapecó, for three consecutive years (2011 to 2014). Production and components contribution in herbage mass was analyzed during three productive years (2011-12; 2012-13 and 2013-14) for the following treatments: giant missionary grass, Arachis pintoi cv. Alqueire, Arachis pintoi cv. Belmonte, Arachis pintoi cv. Amarillo and its mixtures with giant missionary grass, generating seven treatments with three replicates. Data were analyzed with R software. The cv. Alqueire was the less productive Arachis cultivar and had the lower contribution in mixed parcels. The cvs. Belmonte and Amarillo produced a mean of 6.6 t/ha. Giant missionary grass pure produced 10.3 t/ha and in the mixed parcels with Belmonte and Amarillo cultivars produced a mean of 12.6 t/ha. Arachis participation in the sward was reduced over experimental time.Metrics
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- Academic society
- Epagri - Revista Agropecuária Catarinense
- Publisher
- Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina - Epagri
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