INCA and COQUEiRAL: first Santa catarina cultivars of arracacha
Participatory evaluation; Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancroft; Vegetable Direct Tillage System (“SPDH”)., Participatory evaluation, Arracacia xanthorrhyza, Vegetable Direct Tillage SystemAbstract
The “arracacha” cultivars SCS380 INCA (RNC nº 49967) and SCS381 COQUEIRAL (RNC nº 49968) were obtained from the identification, selection and subsequent cloning of plants that demonstrated agronomic performance and differentiated productive attributes in commercial production areas of the municipality of Angelina, probably originated from the in loco germination of botanical seeds, from natural spontaneous population crosses. These genetic materials have been evaluated and
characterized in a participatory research since 2014 (INCA) and 2017 (COQUEIRAL). In general, both have the main advantages over the genetic material most cultivated in the Brazil (Cv. Senador Amaral), highlighting the high productive potential of the roots (maintaining good commercial characteristics, such as cylindrical shape, yellow color, characteristic aroma and flavour), good adaptability and resistance to pests and diseases, more vigorous plants and great seedling producti on capacity. The roots of both can be used for fresh consumpti on in natura, and the cv. INCA has great potenti al for agro-industrial processing. They are indicated for cultivati on in the regions recommended by the agroclimatic zoning of Santa Catarina under conventional cultivation. The cv. COQUEIRAL has been shown to be adapted to cultivation in Vegetable Direct Tillage System (“SPDH”) with good results being cultivated in areas of lower altitude and with higher temperatures than in the normal recommended cultivation conditions.
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- Academic society
- Epagri - Revista Agropecuária Catarinense
- Publisher
- Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina - Epagri
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Copyright (c) 2023 Eduardo da Costa Nunes, Marcelo Zanella, Carlos Alberto Koerich

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