Evaluation of concentration and and ratio of nutrientes in organic compost of different raw materials


  • Euclides Schallenberger Epagri / Estação Experimental de Itajaí, C.P. 277, 88301-970 Itajaí, SC
  • José Angelo Rebelo Epagri / Estação Experimental de Itajaí
  • Rafael Ricardo Cantú Epagri / Estação Experimental de Itajaí


organiccompost, organic fertilizers, organic plant nutrition.


Abstract: This research evaluated the concentration and ratio of nutrients in organic compost prepared with rice straw plus poultry house litter; elephant grass plus poultry house litter, jack bean and sunn hemp. Higher nitrogen concentrations were obtained in plant compost of sunn hemp , with 2.05% and jack bean with 2.01 %. The lowest were obtained in the compost of elephant grass more poultry house litter and rice straw plus poultry house litter which did not differ regarding the content of this nutrient and it was 1.78 % and 1.76 % respectively. The highest concentration of phosphorus was obtained in the mixture of poultry house litter with elephant grass (2.83 %) and rice straw plus poultry house litter (2.72 %). The potassium concentration was similar between the composts coming from the different materials used. Calcium, magnesium, iron , manganese and zinc were presented in higher concentration in the composts of poultry house litter. The relationship between nutritional and mineral in organics is dependent on the raw material used in the composting.


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Author Biographies

Euclides Schallenberger, Epagri / Estação Experimental de Itajaí, C.P. 277, 88301-970 Itajaí, SC

Engenheiro-agrônomo, Dr.

José Angelo Rebelo, Epagri / Estação Experimental de Itajaí

Engenheiro-agrônomo, Dr.

Rafael Ricardo Cantú, Epagri / Estação Experimental de Itajaí

Engenheiro-agrônomo, M.Sc.


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How to Cite

Schallenberger, E., Rebelo, J. A., & Cantú, R. R. (2017). Evaluation of concentration and and ratio of nutrientes in organic compost of different raw materials. Agropecuária Catarinense Journal, 28(1), 78–82. Retrieved from https://publicacoes.epagri.sc.gov.br/rac/article/view/184



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