


Calibration Models, Bromatology, Spectroscopy.


Near Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy (NIRS) has been widely used for analytical purposes in the most diverse areas of research, production and industry in materials such as petroleum, chemicals, oils, wood, polymers, textiles, food, beverages, soils, etc.  After the correct implantation of the technique, the analysis does not require chemical reagent, it is robust, fast, it is not destructive and does not require specialized labor. However, for the technique to be used reliably, precise and accurate calibration models must be developed for each material and each component of interest. Some important information about NIRS, fundamentals, potential and limitations of use are presented in this work.


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Author Biography

Ângela Fonseca Rech, EPAGRI / EEL

Zootecnista Pesquisadora

Nutrição animal

Laboratório Nutrição Animal


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How to Cite

Rech, Ângela F., & Werner, S. S. (2020). USE OF NIRS TECHNOLOGY FOR PREDICTION OF NUTRITIONAL VALUES OF FORAGES. Agropecuária Catarinense Journal, 33(1), 11–14.



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