Agronomic performance of apple tree rootstocks of Japanese JM series in the Santa Catarina Midwestern
Malus prunifolia, suckering, burrknots, production, stabilityAbstract
The cultivation of apple rootstocks in southern Brazil is changing since the beginning of commercial production in the 1970s. Due to the adaptation, productive potential and quality of the fruits, currently it is predominating the use of the combination ‘Marubakaido' and interstem 'M.9’, as well as the use of 'M.9' and the ‘Marubakaido’ singly. The objective of this work was to identify some apple rootstock options of the Japanese series JM for southern Brazil with similar potential to the dwarfing 'M.9'. It was tested four apple rootstocks of the JM series, grafted with ‘Fuji’ scion grown in Caçador-SC. Based on the trunk cross-sectional area, the ‘JM.1’, ‘JM.7’ and ‘JM.8’ equaled the vigor of ‘M.9’, and ‘JM.2’ was more vigorous than ‘Marubakaido’/‘M.9’. Among JM rootstocks, the JM.7 showed high stability and was the most productive. The ‘JM.2’ produced fruits of greater mass among the tested rootstocks, proving to be the most stable for this trait.
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- Epagri - Revista Agropecuária Catarinense
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- Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina - Epagri
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