Prediction of apple harvest date based on thermal sum
Malus domestica, degree-days, phenological phases, length of the apple tree cycleAbstract
The accumulation of temperature in degree-days is an index widely used to determine the cycle of several cultures and allows the estimation of the harvest period. Degree days were calculated from the maximum, minimum and average daily temperatures, using an upper basal temperature value of 35°C and a lower basal temperature value of 4.5°C. Nine cultivars on two rootstocks were analyzed. The cultivars were grouped into thermal sum classes and for each class seven different scenarios were simulated, representing the ten-day periods of flowering onset. To predict the harvest date, 28 maps were generated
considering four classes of thermal sums: 1.750 GD (Imperatriz, Lis Gala and Monalisa cultivars), 1.850 GD (Countess), 2.350 GD (Castel Gala and Daiane), 2.700 GD (Fuji Suprema and Baronesa). The rootstocks did not influence the need for thermal sum of the cultivars. The need for thermal sums of the cultivars, from flowering to harvest, were consistent with the observed harvest sequence, with the length of the cycle being determined by the number of degree-days accumulated. The thermal sum of the cultivars can be used to predict the ripening/harvest date of the apple tree.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Gabriel Berenhauser Leite, Carlos Eduardo Salles de Araújo, Marcelo Couto, Wilian da Silva Ricce
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