Analysis of the criteria to purchase dairy cattle semen by public agencies in the Western Region of Santa Catarina State


  • Viviane Broch
  • Diego de Córdova Cucco
  • Rogério Ferreira
  • Vagner Miranda Portes
  • André Thaler Neto



animal breeding, artificial insemination, selection.


Many counties in the western region of Santa Catarina State have artificial insemination (AI) programs. The aim of this study was to analyze what are the criteria to purchase dairy cattle semen by public agencies. Announcements of 23 counties were analyzed in Western Santa Catarina, mainly in the microregions of Chapecó, Concordia and Xanxerê. Criteria as reliability, PTA for milk production, fat, protein, somatic cell count and morphological traits (such as type, udder comp, feet and legs, among others), genealogy control and other traits were found. It was concluded that some criteria could be better targeted in order to promote genetic gain.


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Author Biographies

Viviane Broch


Diego de Córdova Cucco

Médico-veterinário, Dr., Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (Udesc/CEO), fone: (48) 3330-9420.

Rogério Ferreira

Médico-veterinário, Dr., Udesc/CEO, fone: (48) 3330-9420.

Vagner Miranda Portes

Médico-veterinário, M.Sc., Epagri/Cepaf, C.P. 791, 89801-970 Chapecó, SC, fone: (49) 2049-7510.

André Thaler Neto

Médico-veterinário, Dr., Udesc/CAV, Av. Luís de Camões, 2090, Bairro Conta Dinheiro, 88520-000 Lages, SC, fone: (49) 2101-22121.


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How to Cite

Broch, V., Cucco, D. de C., Ferreira, R., Portes, V. M., & Thaler Neto, A. (2017). Analysis of the criteria to purchase dairy cattle semen by public agencies in the Western Region of Santa Catarina State. Agropecuária Catarinense Journal, 29(1), 37–40.



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