Fertility and reserves analysis in buds of ‘Greco di Tufo’, ‘Coda di Volpe’ and ‘Viognier’ grapevines grown in São Joaquim – Santa Catarina State
Vitis vinifera L., Starch, total soluble carbohydrates, pruning.Abstract
ABSTRACT – Fertility, total soluble carbohydrates and starch contents were evaluated in dormant buds of ‘Greco di Tufo’, ‘Coda di Volpe’ and ‘Viognier’ grapevines in an experimental vineyard located in São Joaquim (SC), in 2013. Buds from one year, deep dormant shoots, were observed in 3 positions: basal buds (1st to 3rd bud), medians buds (4th to 6th bud) and apical buds (7th to 10th bud). The presence or absence of inflorescence was assessed by budbreak in a B.O.D. type chamber. In the vineyard, plants of all varieties were evaluated according to pruning type, in short pruning under spur cordon and mixed pruning in guyot. Greco di Tufo and Coda di Volpe exhibited higher number of fertile buds on median and apical positions. 79.2% and 75.0% of fertile buds in shoot apical position of Greco di Tufo and Coda di Volpe, respectively, were observed in B.O.D. chamber. The highest levels of total soluble carbohydrates were found for all varieties in basal buds. Variations of starch content in buds at different positions were observed between varieties.Metrics
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- Epagri - Revista Agropecuária Catarinense
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- Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina - Epagri
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