A strategic plan to boost Santa Catarina's mariculture



Abstract - After two decades of limited development, both the production of mollusks and the number of shellfish farmers have been reducing in recent years, mainly due to the difficulty of support and management institutions in the sector to overcome various barriers in the production chain. The complexity, specificity and social dimensions of mariculture make it difficult for public managers to make decisions. In order to induce discussions based on the difficulties faced by producers, focusing on identifying actions to remedy them, it was proposed that the newly activated Mariculture Sectorial Chamber, a member of the State Council for Rural Development (Cederural), should discuss a plan to reverse this situation and to promote the sustainable development of Santa Catarina's mariculture over the next ten years. To this end, Epagri was asked to draw up a draft strategy to be discussed and refined by members of the Sector Chamber. The article discusses the process of elaboration of the Strategic Plan for the Sustainable Development of Santa Catarina Mariculture. This was an initiative of the Mariculture Sectoral Chamber that received Epagri's support for the conception and writing of the strategic plan. Once implemented, the plan will allow Santa Catarina's mariculture to begin a virtuous development cycle with experienced socioeconomic outcomes.


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Author Biography

Felipe Matarazzo Suplicy, Epagri

Biólogo, Ph. D., Epagri/Centro de Desenvolvimento em Aquicultura e Pesca – Cedap, Rod. Admar Gonzaga, 1188, Itacorubi, 88034-901 Florianópolis, SC, fone: (48) 3665-5060, e-mail: felipesuplicy@epagri.sc.gov.br.



How to Cite

Suplicy, F. M. (2019). A strategic plan to boost Santa Catarina’s mariculture. Agropecuária Catarinense Journal, 32(2), 15–18. Retrieved from https://publicacoes.epagri.sc.gov.br/rac/article/view/465




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