A manifesto from the sea


  • Felipe Matarazzo Suplicy Epagri/ Cedap


ocean, pollution, mariculture, gastronomy, tourism


The purpose of this text is to awaken the population and society of Greater Florianópolis about how the local economy depends heavily on the sea, and the need to preserve this resource, otherwise we will see, in the near future, the loss of several jobs and income. generated by mariculture, local gastronomy and tourism.


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Author Biography

Felipe Matarazzo Suplicy, Epagri/ Cedap

Biólogo, Ph. D., Epagri/Centro de Desenvolvimento em Aquicultura e Pesca – Cedap, Rod. Admar Gonzaga, 1188, Itacorubi, 88034-901 Florianópolis, SC, fone: (48) 3665-5060, e-mail: felipesuplicy@epagri.sc.gov.br.


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How to Cite

Suplicy, F. M. (2022). A manifesto from the sea. Agropecuária Catarinense Journal, 35(2), 8–10. Retrieved from https://publicacoes.epagri.sc.gov.br/rac/article/view/1467




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